Discover How to Use Hard Drive for Crypto Mining Efficiently


As cryptocurrency mining continues to evolve, more miners are turning to innovative, energy-efficient alternatives like hard drive mining. Unlike traditional methods that rely on powerful GPUs or ASICs, hard drive mining uses storage capacity to mine cryptocurrencies. This method offers a more sustainable and cost-effective approach to earning digital currency while minimizing the environmental footprint. In this article, we will explore the ins and outs of hard drive mining and how to use a hard drive for crypto mining efficiently. Whether you are a seasoned miner looking to cut energy costs or a newcomer interested in eco-friendly alternatives, this guide will help you unlock the potential of your hard drives for crypto mining success.

What does “Use a hard drive for crypto mining” mean?

Hard drive mining, also known as Proof of Capacity (PoC) or Proof of Space (PoS) mining, is a method of cryptocurrency mining that uses storage space (typically hard drives or SSDs) rather than computing power (like GPUs or ASICs). This contrasts with traditional mining methods like Proof of Work (PoW), which relies on powerful hardware to solve complex mathematical problems.

How Does Hard Drive Mining Work?

How Does Hard Drive Mining Work?

Instead of relying on powerful processing hardware (as in traditional mining methods like Proof of Work), hard drive mining uses available disk space to store cryptographic data, known as “plots,” which are then used to mine new blocks on the blockchain.


In hard drive mining, the mining process begins with “plotting,” which involves writing large amounts of cryptographic data to your hard drive. This data is organized into plots, which occupy storage space.

Mining (Farming)

Once the plotting process is complete, the actual mining process begins. Unlike GPU or ASIC mining, where computational power is used to constantly solve problems, hard drive mining checks the stored plots for each new block challenge.

When the network generates a new block, the hard drive miner (also referred to as a farmer) looks through the stored plots to find a solution that matches the challenge. The farmer who finds the closest or most valid solution is selected to confirm the block and earn the reward.

Since the solutions are precomputed, hard drive mining is more about efficient space usage than raw processing power.


When a miner (farmer) successfully finds the solution to a block, they receive a reward in the form of cryptocurrency. The reward distribution depends on how much storage space is dedicated to the mining pool or solo farming.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Hard Drive Mining

Advantages and Disadvantages of Hard Drive Mining


  • Energy Efficiency: Hard drive mining consumes much less power than GPU or ASIC mining, making it environmentally friendlier and cheaper to run.
  • Lower Hardware Costs: Unlike GPU/ASIC mining, which requires expensive, specialized hardware, hard drive mining only requires large amounts of storage, making it more accessible for regular users.
  • Longer Hardware Lifespan: Hard drives generally last longer under mining conditions compared to GPUs, which can degrade more quickly due to heavy workloads.


  • Plotting Time: Creating plots takes time and can be resource-intensive, especially when using SSDs.
  • Hardware Wear: While HDDs are more durable, SSDs (often used for faster plotting) can degrade over time due to high read/write demands.
  • Less Profitability: Hard drive mining typically offers lower returns compared to GPU or ASIC mining, and profitability is dependent on how much storage space is available.

Hard Disks Mining Coins

Here are two typical examples cryptocurrencies of hard drive mining:

Chia (XCH)

Hard Disks Mining Coins: Chia(XCH)
  • Uses a Proof of Space and Time mechanism.
  • Farmers allocate disk space, and Chia uses both space (for storing plots) and time (for verifying plot availability) to ensure fairness and security.
  • Plotting can be resource-intensive, but once done, farming is low-energy.

Burstcoin (BURST)

Hard Disks Mining Coins: Burstcoin (BURST)
  • One of the earliest cryptocurrencies to use the Proof of Capacity consensus algorithm.
  • Requires a large amount of disk space for mining and rewards users proportionally based on the storage they contribute.

Step-by-Step guide on How to Use Hard Drive for Crypto Mining Efficiently

Here’s how you can use a hard drive for crypto mining efficiently:

Step 1: Understand clearly Hard Drive Mining

It is essential for us to understand clearly the definition and mechanism of hard drive mining before diving into it. You can find more in the previous part of this article.

Step 2: Choose the Right Cryptocurrency

Choosing the right cryptocurrency for hard drive mining is crucial for maximizing profitability, reducing risks, and ensuring a sustainable mining setup. For example, in terms of coins’ market value & potential, Chia (XCH) is known for its high profile and backing, while Burstcoin has a smaller but established niche community. Therefore, it is highly recommended that we should take into consideration algorithms, network competition, storage requirements, etc. when choosing the most suitable cryptocurrency.

Step 3: Pick the Right Hard Drives

  • High-Capacity HDDs: For efficient mining, invest in high-capacity hard drives (10TB or more) since mining rewards depend on the amount of data stored.
  • SSD vs HDD: SSDs can speed up the plotting process but wear out quickly due to the high number of read/write operations. HDDs, while slower at plotting, are more durable for long-term mining.
  • External vs Internal: Both can be used, but internal hard drives tend to be more reliable and provide better performance.

Step 4: Set Up Mining Software

  • Install Chia Blockchain: For Chia mining, download and install the Chia blockchain software. You’ll use this to plot and farm.
  • Burstcoin Wallet: For Burstcoin, download the Burst wallet, which also includes plotting and mining tools.
  • Plotting: Plotting is the process of writing cryptographic data to your hard drive. This can take time and depends on the drive’s write speed.

Step 5: Efficient Plotting Strategies

  • Parallel Plotting: If you have multiple drives or a large SSD, you can plot in parallel to increase efficiency. This involves creating multiple plots at the same time, speeding up the initial process.
  • Avoid SSD Overuse: For Chia mining, use SSDs for plotting (faster process) and then move the plots to HDDs for farming to avoid SSD wear.

Step 6: Optimize Hardware and Power Consumption

  • Multiple Drives: Using multiple hard drives increases your storage capacity and chances of mining success. Connect them through USB hubs or via SATA connectors to maximize space.
  • Low Power Consumption: One of the main advantages of hard drive mining is its energy efficiency compared to GPU/ASIC mining. To minimize costs, use energy-efficient drives and disable unnecessary system processes that consume electricity.

Step 7: Join a Mining Pool

Mining pools allow multiple miners to combine their resources and share rewards proportionally. Joining a pool can improve your chances of earning consistent rewards. For instance, popular pools for hard drive mining include Space Pool for Chia and Burst Alliance for Burstcoin.

Step 8: Monitor Performance and Earnings

  • Use software tools or dashboards (e.g., Chia’s GUI) to track your plots, drive health, and mining rewards.
  • Ensure that your drives remain healthy by monitoring for signs of failure or reduced performance.

Step 9: Maximize Longevity of Drives

  • Minimize Heat and Vibration: Keep drives cool and in a stable environment to prolong their lifespan. Excess heat or vibration can shorten the life of a hard drive.
  • Regular Maintenance: Defragment or check disk health periodically to ensure efficient mining performance.


Hard drive mining presents a compelling alternative to traditional cryptocurrency mining methods, offering a more energy-efficient and cost-effective solution. To maximize your efficiency, it’s essential to choose the right cryptocurrency, optimize your hardware for plotting and farming, and stay up to date with the latest developments in hard drive mining. Whether you’re aiming to reduce operational costs, increase sustainability, or explore a more accessible mining method, hard drive mining opens new doors for crypto enthusiasts of all levels.

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