Web 3.0

What Are Dapps and Why Are They Important in Web3?

Decentralized applications, commonly known as Dapps, are software programs that operate on decentralized networks, such as blockchains, rather than relying on centralized servers. This decentralized nature allows Dapps to function without a single controlling...

Herond Browser: August 2024 Report

August has been another month of progress for Herond Browser, as we continue to improve on our mission to provide a fast, secure, and user-friendly browsing experience. Product Updates We focused on enhancing stability and improving...

The Impact of Web3 on Various Industries

When diving into the world of Blockchain Technology, the term “Web3” cannot be missed. In general, Web3 has the potential to reshape the internet and society at large by democratizing access, fostering innovation, and...

Proof of work vs proof of stake: what is different?

A consensus mechanism plays an important role in maintaining the integrity, security, and trustworthiness of the blockchain. Two well-known consensus mechanisms are proof of work (PoW) and proof of stake (PoS). We will help...

Top 5 Free Private Browsers That Protect Your Privacy in 2024

Continuous advertising disrupting your online entertainment activities? This article will introduce you to 5 best free private browsers in 2024. Certainly, most people have encountered annoyance at least once while listening to music, surfing the...

Herond Browser V2.0.29: SponsorBlock integration

Herond Browser has just been updated to V2.0.29 for both MacOS and Windows. This version includes major enhancements for Herond Shield's adblock system and browser performance, all for your convenience. Read on to reveal our...

Herond Account: What it is and why you need one

What is Herond Account? Herond Account is created by a user when they start using Herond Browser to save all settings, passwords, information, extensions, and even wallets. The account can be used to seamlessly transition...

Herond Browser V2.0.28: Better adblock, vertical tabs, and more

Herond Browser recently launched the latest version V2.0.28 for both MacOS and Windows with brand new UI/UX enhancements. Read on to know what we have in store for you! What’s new? Adblock filter optimization Adblock is one...